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Product Vision 🧐
Group of 39 drills, Classic Stationary Matrix comprises of stationary exercises designed to keep your mind occupied with technique development. This Matrix is robotic when it comes to movement around the course.
By default, you will remain in one place and work on swing development. It is designed solely for the period of non-competition - to prepare your technique skills for the competition season.
Product Vision 🧐
Action oriented drills to improve performance skills with each club set. Set of 28 driving range drills designed to enhance scoring skills. Since this Matrix is built solely on challenges, you will find yourself in performance mode by default.
Challenges are performance oriented and are focused on producing the best possible score with each club set, for each of the 28challenges. "Pure Performance Matrix" is best used during competition season, in the midst of the tournament season. Best improved skills are primarily scoring skills, distance control and precision skills.
Product Vision 🧐
Engaging set of 22 putting drills, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Dynamic Technical Matrix supports movement on the green, constantly changing position relative to the hole, with focus on technique.
It makes you adapt and adjust to new situations - for the most part, drills in this Matrix demand that you switch position every 3rdor 4th putt. You will have enough time to fine tune aim/alignment and precision/accuracy skills, and enough room to stand up, switch position, re-setup, realign, and repeat. This Matrix features technical exercises - as such it is recommended either after the competition season or to prepare for competition season.
Product Vision 🧐
Entire collection in PDF format - 28 eBooks with 700+ golf drills.
Product Vision 🧐
A comprehensive set of 24 putting challenges designed to spur competitiveness amongst the team. Drills are designed as 1v1, 2v2and 1v3 challenges. This Matrix is recommended for high competition season.
Players are forced to navigate through the dynamic exercises, constantly switching opponents and thus simulating real-life tournament scenario. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills. Unlike "Multiplayer Teamwork" Matrix where players together on achieving a common goal, players in this Matrix compete against one another, thus evoking pressure and creating a competition-like environment.
Product Vision 🧐
Recommended for non-competitive part of the season for players who are looking to develop solid putting technique. 28 drills are predominantly stationary - meaning that you will stand in the same position throughout the exercises.
Drills are focused on technique development - as opposed to moving around the hole and developing performance and scoring skills. Exercises for the most part utilize accessories and aids such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. There is minor movement on the green, as various accessories ask for stationary efforts. All distances are covered.
Product Vision 🧐
A set of 21 putting challenges where players work together (not against each other) to complete a given task. Teamwork challenges are made for two to four players to function as a unit on the putting green.
Players work together on accomplishing a given task. Players learn to rely on one another to advance further through each specific exercise - while the likelihood of any player falling far behind the team is eliminated by default. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills.
Product Vision 🧐
Parallel Lines Matrix is designed for players comfortable in structured environment and in need of course management skills. Set of 28 activities are made for you if you tend to 'play it safe' and avoid any unnecessary risk taking.
Parallel Lines Matrix features both parallel and perpendicular movement in relation to the green, thus improving both distance control and aim/alignment skills. Parallel Ball Lines Matrix has multiple lines of balls parallel to the green and extending away from the green. You jump from line to line, thus switching angle of attack and distance to the hole - shot after shot. By doing so, you naturally practice distance control skills. You will be put in a position to adjust the aim, alignment, and visualize the shot anew, ball after ball.
Product Vision 🧐
Simply discover new golf course games or take it seriously and learn how to introduce yourself or your team to a competitive mentality before the competition. Choose to play game formats such as iron-only play from back tees to develop long iron skills, or choose to play two balls from forward tees to develop scoring skills. If you never find train hitting the negative numbers you’ll have less chance achieving them in competition.
Product Vision 🧐
A selection of 20 putting challenges performed from the same spot relative to the hole. Static = you stand in one position relative to the hole, throughout the exercise. Performance = you complete specific tasks and challenges.
Static Performance Matrix is oriented on developing mental skills - you remain static on the green and work on achieving a specific goal. Exercises are repetitive and made to build muscle memory and consistency skills. This Matrix does not include drills that make you move around the green. It is recommended for competition season.
Product Vision 🧐
All short game drills in
Product Vision 🧐
Set of 24 driving range drills designed for technique improvement. You will primarily learn technique and precision skills, and will touch upon shot shaping skills.
All efforts with this Matrix are concentrated on technique improvement, and experimentation of how various swing movements influence different ball flights - making it ideal for the off-season period- when no competition is in sight. Drills are split by 5 types of clubs(i.e. wedges, mid irons, woods, etc.) and by 4 types swing categories (i.e.takeaway, downswing, impact, etc.).
Product Vision 🧐
Made for adventurers looking to have fun and expand the repertoire of their shots. A selection of 39 drills are full of creative challenges with a touch of structure. Use it to challenge yourself in creative ways.
This Matrix is recommended is made to break through the old practice habits, regardless of your skill level - for beginners who are exploring their possibilities, for intermediate golfers who are discovering and fine tuning their palette of shots, and for advanced players who are preparing for serious competition and constantly turning weaknesses into strengths.
Product Vision 🧐
Do a SWOT analysis on full swing shots and discover (S)strengths, (W)weaknesses, (O)opportunities and (T)tendencies. Recommended during a period of non-competition. A set of 15 driving range drills that is best utilized in combination with any other full swing Matrix.
You will discover [1] strengths - which shots and clubs to exploit further (go-to shots and clubs), [2] weaknesses - which types of shots and clubs to avoid in critical situations, [3] opportunities -undiscovered shots and clubs worth putting to action more often, and [4] tendencies- to raise awareness what is likely to happen in a given situation.
Product Vision 🧐
Made for golfers with wide dispersion who are in need of technique improvements. This selection of 28 drills concentrates movement up and down the ball line.
By design, ball lines in this Matrix support technique development while movement between them improves aim/alignment skills, precision skills, and distance control skills. Sporadic movement between the ball lines will give you variety of shots and occasional change of attack angle - exactly what swing development needs.
Product Vision 🧐
All other ebooks in the store combined.
Product Vision 🧐
A collection of 28 drills designed primarily to improve distance control skills, aim/alignment skills and scoring skills. You will learn how to move freely from pile to pile and how to gain control in a chaotic environment.
This Matrix is a great choice for players who are comfortable in a chaotic environment, prone to taking risks and tend to pull off miracle shots on the course. You will find a plenty of dynamic movement around the green and a complete absence of stationary exercises. You will move from pile to pile in an arbitrary fashion, and hit every other shot from a different distance and a different angle. It is made for players in need of ball control skills.
Product Vision 🧐
Set of 30 driving range drills made for ball flight improvement. By default, you will develop shot shaping skills, from distance control, to dispersion, trajectory and precision.
With this Matrix, you will face a variety of tasks oriented exercises, oriented towards producing curved shots and different trajectories. Namely, you will work on getting the ball back to the target from 'left-to-right' and 'right-to-left', and producing low, medium and high shots. This Matrix is practiced several weeks before the start of the competition season - to fine tune shot shaping skills.
Product Vision 🧐
Selection of 25 challenges that are performance orientedperformanceoriented by design. Drills challenge the mind in navigating its way to the hole. The nature of this Matrix is to learn how to score.
25 drills in this Matrix have minor focus on technique and are recommended for competition season where you need improvisation skills (without any apparatus). Matrix is creative with various setup patterns around the hole - designed to make you move around the hole and is constantly placing you in different positions. Thus you will perform putts to the same or to different holes, always from a different angle. All distances are covered.
Product Vision 🧐
A complete and balanced selection of all skills necessary to achieve top score during tournament season. This curated Matrix is recommended for competing golfers who are looking for equal dose of technique oriented activities, shot shaping activities and performance oriented activities.
You will learn how to discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and tendencies, and will find actionable drills to tackle each of the discovered categories. "All-Round Matrix" consists of 30driving range drills designed for improvement of distance control, technique, precision, dispersion and scoring skills.
Product Vision 🧐
A set of 28 drills designed for fine tuning technique skills, especially aim and alignment. It improves distance control and is great for developing a feel for various situations around the green.
Optimal choice if you are struggling with precision, technique and distance control. Constant change of position makes you adapt to new situations from various attack angles. Furthermore, moving up and down the ball lines gives you enough room to work on 'technique oriented' and 'direction oriented' skills.
Product Vision 🧐
Creative Multiplayer Matrix is made for a team looking to have fun and expand the repertoire of their shots. It consists of 39 activities, full of creative challenges with a touch of structure.
This Matrix is recommended for teams of all skill levels who want to break through the old practice habits. It is made to explore new possibilities, to discover and fine tune existing palette of shots, to prepare for serious competition and to constantly turn weaknesses into strengths.
Product Vision 🧐
All-Rounded combination of 24 drills and challenges. This Matrix utilizes both Static exercises that utilize conventional practice methods and Dynamic exercises with plenty of movement around the hole.
Additionally, it is a mix of performance drills utilizing challenges and goal-oriented exercises, and technical drills utilizing high number of repetitions from a single stand. All-Round Matrix is a good choice for both competitive and non-competitive season.
Product Vision 🧐
For performing golfer(s) who want to escape the monotony and improve mental skills such as visualization and imagery. Selection of 35 drills, made to improve performance skills and boost creativity with both approach shots and tee shots.
You will learn how to score by completing various challenges, and will have a healthy dose of shot shaping exercises - mainly to remain connected with the technical part of the swing. This Matrix is good for any part of the season - both during tournament season and when no tournaments are in sight.
Product Vision 🧐
Product Vision 🧐
Set of 27 challenges that are technical in nature - the effort will generally lean towards technique improvement and less towards performance. Drills are mainly challenges and predominantly utilize accessories and aids.
This Matrix utilizes accessories such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. Recommended for the competitive part of the season when you need to make adjustments to the technique. Drills are mostly stationary and do not ask for a lot of movement around the hole - repetitions performed in these activities are from a single stand, without a lot of movement on the green. Same angle of attack is preserved throughout all 27 activities. All distances are covered.
Product Vision 🧐
Technique-oriented set of 25 putting exercises, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Drills for the most part are made to improve distance control skills and precision/accuracy skills.
As opposed to Dynamic Technical drills where you switch position every 3rd to 4th putt, Static Technical drills are stationary -you will hit 20 to 30 putts from the same position and hone technique skills. By default, no task nor goal-oriented drills are included in Technical Matrix -goal-oriented drills can be found in Performance Matrix.
Product Vision 🧐
A selection of 28 activities, this matrix is designed primarily for aim/alignment and scoring skills. Parallel Piles Matrix offers a sense of structure to players in need of scoring and accuracy skills.
Since you will generally hit from the same distance in this Matrix, it breathes best results if you are already skilled with distance control. You will move in line with the green, randomly jump from pile to pile and approach the green from various angles. This Matrix is designed for players in need of structure, alignment skills and shot shaping skills.
Product Vision 🧐
A package of nine multiple-station polygons that brings a breath of life on and around the green. After spending 5-10 minutes to set up polygon of 3-5stations, you will lose yourself within boundaries of a playground you created for yourself. Teams will bond and will have an experience they will remember.
Polygons are comprised of simple short putts and short chips, long distance putts and chips, complex putts, variations of the same drills and globally, the polygons can be described in one word - progressiveness. When in the polygon, you or your team progresses through the station #1 to station #4, and if any station is unsuccessful, the player(s) go back to station #1. After successfully completing all of the stations, you will find that you gained skills such as precision, aim, scoring, distance control – and that 30 to 90 minutes had meaning.
Product Vision 🧐
Perpendicular Piles Matrix is made for players in need of technique and distance control skills. Since 28 drills offer structure by design, players struggling with technique and distance control should try the drills in this Matrix.
Perpendicular Piles Matrix is made for players who are already skilled in accuracy, who know how to aim, and need distance control skills. You will move from pile of balls to the pile of balls perpendicularly to the green, thus focusing on distance control and technique.
Product Vision 🧐
Dynamic Performance Matrix is a set of 17 calorie burning putting exercises. Dynamic = you change position relative to the hole after each putt. Performance = you complete specific tasks and challenges.
A fun Matrix - 17 challenges that promote movement around the hole. It is made to improve pre-putt routine, setup and execution skills - while focusing on achieving a specific goal. This Matrix does not utilize any conventional repetitive putting exercise where you stand in one place and hit putt-for-putt. It is recommended for competition season.
Product Vision 🧐
27 drills are recommended for the non-competitive part of the season - for players who are comfortable with the current state of technique and for players looking for creativity through various pattern-like movements around the hole.
This Matrix utilizes various setup patterns around the hole that support a lot of action on the green. You will learn improvisation skills and will develop a feel for putts that are asking for mental imagery. The majority of the 27 drills in this Matrix are generally asking for mentalmental activity and visualization skills. All distances are covered.
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