Drills in eBook
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)
Putting (Team)

Team Drills for Bonding

Buy and Learn:
Learn how to read putts
Fix long misses
Fix short misses

$ 10.50 

$ 33.00 

(68% off)

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Availability: Immediately
Purpose of Product:

These putting drills create synchronous movement in the team. All players will learn how to function as a team and work together on achieving a common goal. Use during off season to build relationships in the team. No one gets left behind.

Vision for Drills🧐
and it's Application

A set of 21 putting challenges where players work together (not against each other) to complete a given task. Teamwork challenges are made for two to four players to function as a unit on the putting green.

Players work together on accomplishing a given task. Players learn to rely on one another to advance further through each specific exercise - while the likelihood of any player falling far behind the team is eliminated by default. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills.

Take a Look Inside

A few pages from the eBook... Click (tap) for slideshow.
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$ 10.50 

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Your Library Subscription Also Includes:

Full Access to the Library of 700+ Drills
27 Purpose Driven Matrix Selections
Unlock 30+ Unique Data Fields
Review Drills
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300+ Animated Drills (coming soon)
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Putting (Team)


Each Drill Consists of the Following Elements

Use the elements to learn about the drill, prepare the ground for you practice session, and apply it.

Ground-Floor Setup - Graphic Image

Copy paste the illustration into real life. Graphic images are used to visually explain the dynamic of the drill. One simple look at the image, combined with the next element "Step-by-Step Instructions", paints the whole picture for each drill.

Step-by-Step Instructions

...in objective tongue. We left our biases aside. In this element, you will instructions same as if you were assembling a closet from IKEA - drill specific.


We went a step further with our studies and made drills for different seasons. If you compete in a week or two, you should practice in-season drill. If you just finished with your season and want to do some leisure golf, choose off-season drills.



Primary and Secondary Skills

If you want to plan your practice, or teach your students specific skills, this 'two step' skill section will keep guide your choice of drill. Primary skills are like a foundation and a top-level skill and secondary skills fall inside them.


Drills are designed for 1 to 4 players (most of them for 1).

Drill Difficulty Button

Easy. Medium. Hard. Feel like being challenged? Pick red.

Typically, off-season drills are easier and in-season drills are harder. This is because tournaments are played in-season and to bring out to best in you, when it matters the most, you should practice harder drills for competition.

Estimated Duration of the Drill

Range of repetitions for all the drills falls inside 40 to 60 reps. Meaning that, if you have a bucket of 50 balls, most of drills should keep you entertained for 15-20 minutes. Some more. Some less.

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$ 10.50 

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Subscription Includes

Reveal 20% discount coupon

Your Library Subscription Also Includes:

Full Access to Online Library of 700+ Drills
27 Purpose Driven Matrix Selections
Unlock 30+ Unique Data Fields
Review Drills
Share Drills via Whatsapp and More
Invite Team Members
Save Favorite Drills (coming soon)
300+ Animated Drills (coming soon)
Weekly Email Updates & New Drill Alerts
Special Discounts on Video Programs and Coaching

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Putting (Team)
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Putting (Team)
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Product Purpose:
1v1, 2v2, 1v3 team putting challenges that spur competitive spirit in any team. Best used few days before team competition and through tournament season – players will learn how to make decisions quickly on the putting green and not at the expense of their teammate(s).
Skills You Will Learn:
Learn how to score 🏆
Improve precision 🎯
Improve distance control

Product Vision 🧐

Expert Terminology for This Group of Drills:
Team Challenges
Product Vision:

A comprehensive set of 24 putting challenges designed to spur competitiveness amongst the team. Drills are designed as 1v1, 2v2and 1v3 challenges. This Matrix is recommended for high competition season.

Players are forced to navigate through the dynamic exercises, constantly switching opponents and thus simulating real-life tournament scenario. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills. Unlike "Multiplayer Teamwork" Matrix where players together on achieving a common goal, players in this Matrix compete against one another, thus evoking pressure and creating a competition-like environment.

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Skills You Will Learn:
Improve 15+ putting skills
For technique improvements
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Product Vision 🧐

Expert Terminology for This Group of Drills:
Product Vision:

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Minified Golf Course Experience
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Digital Download (eBook)
Drills in eBook
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Product Purpose:
The polygons quickly reveal the overall quality of your game on and around the green. You will need to occupy 3 to 5 holes on the putting green, and area around the green for short chips. Progress through multiple stations as if you were on the real golf course and develop patience.
Skills You Will Learn:
Learn how to score 🏆
Improve mental imagery 🎨
Learn to make better decisions
Improve lag skills

Product Vision 🧐

Expert Terminology for This Group of Drills:
Mini Polygons
Product Vision:

A package of nine multiple-station polygons that brings a breath of life on and around the green. After spending 5-10 minutes to set up polygon of 3-5stations, you will lose yourself within boundaries of a playground you created for yourself. Teams will bond and will have an experience they will remember.

Polygons are comprised of simple short putts and short chips, long distance putts and chips, complex putts, variations of the same drills and globally, the polygons can be described in one word - progressiveness. When in the polygon, you or your team progresses through the station #1 to station #4, and if any station is unsuccessful, the player(s) go back to station #1. After successfully completing all of the stations, you will find that you gained skills such as precision, aim, scoring, distance control – and that 30 to 90 minutes had meaning.