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Competition Season
About This Collection
A comprehensive set of 24 putting challenges designed to spur competitiveness amongst the team. Drills are designed as 1v1, 2v2 and 1v3 challenges. This Matrix is recommended for high competition season.
Players are forced to navigate through the dynamic exercises, constantly switching opponents and thus simulating real-life tournament scenario. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills. Unlike "Multiplayer Teamwork" Matrix where players together on achieving a common goal, players in this Matrix compete against one another, thus evoking pressure and creating a competition-like environment.
Non-Competition Season
About This Collection
27 drills are recommended for non-competitive part of the season - for players who are comfortable with current state of technique - also for players who are looking for creativity through various pattern-like movement around the hole.
This Matrix utilizes various setup patterns around the hole that support a lot of action on the green. You will learn improvisation skills and will develop feel for putts that are asking for mental imagery. The majority of the 27 drills in this Matrix, are generally asking for mental activity and visualization skills. All distances are covered.
Non-Competition Season
About This Collection
Recommended for non-competitive part of the season for players who are looking to develop solid putting technique. 28 drills are predominantly stationary - meaning that you will stand in the same position throughout the exercises.
Drills are focused on technique development - as opposed to moving around the hole and developing performance and scoring skills. Exercises for the most part utilize accessories and aids such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. There is minor movement on the green, as various accessories ask for stationary efforts. All distances are covered.
Any Season
About This Collection
All-Rounded combination of 24 drills and challenges. This Matrix utilizes both Static exercises with conventional stationary execution and Dynamic exercises with plenty of movement around the hole.
Additionally, it is a mix of performance drills utilizing challenges and goal-oriented exercises, and technical drills utilizing high number of repetitions from a single stand. All-Round Matrix is a good choice for both competitive and non-competitive season.
Non-Competition Season
About This Collection
Technique-oriented set of 25 putting exercises, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Drills for the most part are made to improve distance control skills and precision/accuracy skills.
As opposed to Dynamic Technical drills where you switch position every 3rd to 4th putt, Static Technical drills are stationary - you will hit 20 to 30 putts from the same position and hone technique skills. By default, no task nor goal-oriented drills are included in Technical Matrix - goal-oriented drills can be found in Performance Matrix.
Competition Season
About This Collection
A selection of 20 putting challenges performed from the same spot relative to the hole. Static = you stand in one position relative to the hole, throughout the exercise. Performance = you complete specific tasks and challenges.
Static Performance Matrix is oriented on developing mental skills - you remain static on the green and work on achieving a specific goal. Exercises are repetitive and made to build muscle memory and consistency skills. This Matrix does not include drills that make you move around the green. It is recommended for competition season.
Non-Competition Season
About This Collection
Engaging set of 22 putting drills, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Dynamic Technical Matrix supports movement on the green, constantly changing position relative to the hole, with focus on technique.
It makes you adapt and adjust to new situations - for the most part, drills in this Matrix demand that you switch position every 3rd or 4th putt. You will have enough time to fine tune aim/alignment and precision/accuracy skills, and enough room to stand up, switch position, resetup, realign, and repeat. This Matrix features technical exercises - as such it is recommended either after the competition season or to prepare for competition season.
Competition Season
About This Collection
Dynamic Performance Matrix is a set of 17 calorie burning putting exercises. Dynamic = you change position relative to the hole after each putt. Performance = you complete specific tasks and challenges.
A fun Matrix - 17 challenges that promote movement around the hole. It is made to improve pre-putt routine, setup and execution skills - while focusing on achieving a specific goal. This Matrix does not utilize any conventional repetitive putting exercise where you stand in one place and hit putt-for-putt. It is recommended for competition season.
Competition Season
About This Collection
A set of 21 putting challenges where players work together (not against each other) to complete a given task. Teamwork challenges are made for two to four players to function as a unit on the putting green.
Players work together on accomplishing a given task. Players learn to rely on one another to advance further through each specific exercise - while the likelihood of any player falling far behind the team is eliminated by default. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills.
Competition Season
About This Collection
Selection of 25 challenges that are performance oriented by design. Drills challenge the mind in navigating its way to the hole. The nature of this Matrix is to learn how to score.
25 drills in this Matrix have minor focus on technique and are recommended for competition season where you need improvisation skills (without any apparatus). Matrix is creative with various setup patterns around the hole - designed to make you move around the hole and is constantly placing you in different positions. Thus you will perform putts to the same or to different holes, always from a different angle. All distances are covered.
Competition Season
About This Collection
Set of 27 challenges that are technical in nature - the effort will generally lean towards technique improvement and less towards performance. Drills are mainly challenges and predominantly utilize accessories and aids.
This Matrix utilizes accessories such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. Recommended for the competitive part of the season when you need to make adjustments to the technique. Drills are mostly stationary and do not ask for a lot of movement around the hole - repetitions performed in these activities are from a single stand, without a lot of movement on the green. Same angle of attack is preserved throughout all 27 activities. All distances are covered.
Make 50 putts in a Row from [3 ft | 1 m].
Two players work together. Players must at least two-putt every hole; if fail – go back half-way.
Hit 45 balls in total, from 9 different tees.
This drill involves players engaging in a game focused on 1v3 gameplay with a circular setup.
Hit 45 balls in total, from 9 different tees.
Hit 30 balls through the ball gate using plane board.
Players work together to complete the challenge. Advance further or fall one-step back.
Stop five balls in a row between the hole and an alignment stick to complete the challenge. If miss, fall back two tees.
Players stop the ball between the hole and an alignment stick from five tees until there is a winner.
Players hit putt-for-putt to stop the ball inside the circle and collect points (max 9 points)
Stop the ball inside the circle.
Make 50 putts in a row from in between two alignment sticks and through the ball gate.
Three players work together to stop their balls inside the circle and complete the challenge.
Hit 30 balls from in between two alignment sticks and through the ball gate.
Hit 30 balls through the ball gate, one-handed.
Play 9 holes with one ball.
Stop the ball on the fringe from five tees.
Play 9 holes with one ball and count the score relative to PAR. Each hole is PAR 2.
Make 10 out of 20 putts, underneath the hanging string line.
Make 25 putts in a row, one-handed through the ball gate.
Stop 9 balls in a row inside the circle to complete the challenge.
Stop 5 balls in a row – one inside each field – to complete the challenge. If miss, fall back two fields.
Two players work together. Players must make 8 putts in a row to complete the challenge. Only one ball must make it in the hole from a given tee to advance to the next one. If miss, restart.
Hit 30 balls using plane board.
Stop the ball inside the circle.
This drill involves players engaging in a game focused on 1v3 challenge dynamics.
Make 50 putts in a row using an alignment mirror.
Two players work together to stop the ball inside the fields.
Hit 30 balls through the tee gate (visual entrance to the hole).
Stop balls (in a row) on the fringe to complete the challenge.
Make 50 putts in a row through the ball gate, using plane board.
Simulate real-life scenario with X number of birdie opportunities (Greens in Regulation).
Players work together to complete the challenge. Advance further or fall one-step back.
Two players work together to stop the ball inside the circle – 5 points to complete the game.
Make 3 out of 8 putts from [9 ft | 3 m], 5 times in total.
Make 50 putts in a row.
Two players in the team work together. Two teams of two players must at least two-putt every hole; if fail – go back half-way. First team to finish 9 holes – or team who advances further after 20 minutes, wins.
Stop the ball past the hole and short of an alignment stick.
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