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Make 15 out of 25 putts, underneath the hanging string line.
Up to 5 players compete to stop a sand shot in the stop zone(s). The player with the most points at the end wins the challenge. One bucket of balls per player is needed.
Hit 5 balls to each randomly selected target while producing left-to-right and right-to-left shots, using driver only. Hit one bucket of ~50 balls.
No Catch.
Choose from dozens of collections and improve any golf skill.
Step on the green and create static task-oriented environment where you can work on technique during restful days – best used after serious match or a competition season altogether. Decrease margin of error when you hit the putt off line.
Technique-oriented set of 25 putting exercises, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Drills for the most part are made to improve distance control skills and precision/accuracy skills.
As opposed to Dynamic Technical drills where you switch position every 3rd to 4th putt, Static Technical drills are stationary - you will hit 20 to 30 putts from the same position and hone technique skills. By default, no task nor goal-oriented drills are included in Technical Matrix - goal-oriented drills can be found in Performance Matrix.
Learn how to create challenging goal-oriented environments on the putting green that will make you walk in between the putts and re-setup over and over again. Great for developing scoring skills and learning how to score under pressure.
Dynamic Performance Matrix is a set of 17 calorie burning putting exercises. Dynamic = you change position relative to the hole after each putt. Performance = you complete specific tasks and challenges.
A fun Matrix - 17 challenges that promote movement around the hole. It is made to improve pre-putt routine, setup and execution skills - while focusing on achieving a specific goal. This Matrix does not utilize any conventional repetitive putting exercise where you stand in one place and hit putt-for-putt. It is recommended for competition season.
All encompassing collection of putting drills - develop technique, learn how to score, and learn mental imagery. If you’re stuck repeating the same drills, use this combination of drills to break the monotony.
All-Rounded combination of 24 drills and challenges. This Matrix utilizes both Static exercises with conventional stationary execution and Dynamic exercises with plenty of movement around the hole.
Additionally, it is a mix of performance drills utilizing challenges and goal-oriented exercises, and technical drills utilizing high number of repetitions from a single stand. All-Round Matrix is a good choice for both competitive and non-competitive season.
A collection of 28 drills designed primarily to improve distance control skills, aim/alignment skills and scoring skills. You will learn how to move freely from pile to pile and how to gain control in a chaotic environment.
This Matrix is a great choice for players who are comfortable in a chaotic environment, prone to taking risks and tend to pull off miracle shots on the course. You will find a plenty of dynamic movement around the green and a complete absence of stationary exercises. You will move from pile to pile in an arbitrary fashion, and hit every other shot from a different distance and a different angle. It is made for players in need of ball control skills.
Parallel Lines Matrix is designed for players comfortable in structured environment and in need of course management skills. Set of 28 activities are made for you if you tend to 'play it safe' and avoid any unnecessary risk taking.
Parallel Lines Matrix features both parallel and perpendicular movement in relation to the green, thus improving both distance control and aim/alignment skills. Parallel Ball Lines Matrix has multiple lines of balls parallel to the green and extending away from the green. You jump from line to line, thus switching angle of attack and distance to the hole - shot after shot. By doing so, you naturally practice distance control skills. You will be put in a position to adjust the aim, alignment, and visualize the shot anew, ball after ball.
Parallel Lines Matrix is designed for players comfortable in structured environment and in need of course management skills. Set of 28 activities are made for you if you tend to 'play it safe' and avoid any unnecessary risk taking.
Parallel Lines Matrix features both parallel and perpendicular movement in relation to the green, thus improving both distance control and aim/alignment skills. Parallel Ball Lines Matrix has multiple lines of balls parallel to the green and extending away from the green. You jump from line to line, thus switching angle of attack and distance to the hole - shot after shot. By doing so, you naturally practice distance control skills. You will be put in a position to adjust the aim, alignment, and visualize the shot anew, ball after ball.
Use these drills to hit different shots to the same target (opposite of “Performance Mode Drills”) – hit high/low, draw/fade, straight. Develop precision and accuracy skills as you blend mechanics and mental game with wedges, irons and woods.
Set of 30 driving range drills made for ball flight improvement. By default, you will develop shot shaping skills, from distance control, to dispersion, trajectory and precision.
With this Matrix, you will face a variety of tasks oriented exercises, oriented towards producing curved shots and different trajectories. Namely, you will work on getting the ball back to the target from 'left-to-right' and 'right-to-left', and producing low, medium and high shots. This Matrix is practiced several weeks before the start of the competition season - to fine tune shot shaping skills.
Improve technique with wedges, irons, and drivers. Best used to develop swing during off-season. Nature of these drills is stationary in order to make ties between swing mechanics and ball flights. Learn how swing affects trajectory (high/low shots) and curvature (draw/fade).
Set of 24 driving range drills designed for technique improvement. You will primarily learn technique and precision skills, and will touch upon shot shaping skills.
All efforts with this Matrix are concentrated on technique improvement, and experimentation of how various swing movements influence different ball flights - making it ideal for the off-season period - when no competition is in sight. Drills are split by 5 types of clubs (i.e. wedges, mid irons, woods, etc.) and by 4 types swing categories (i.e. takeaway, downswing, impact, etc.).
Hand-picked drills from all other products packed in one single product. Discover strengths and weaknesses, improve wedge game, eliminate misses, progress through exercises, develop mental imagery skills – be it before a serious match or for fun.
A complete and balanced selection of all skills necessary to achieve top score during tournament season. This curated Matrix is recommended for competing golfers who are looking for equal dose of technique oriented activities, shot shaping activities and performance oriented activities.
You will learn how to discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and tendencies, and will find actionable drills to tackle each of the discovered categories. "All-Round Matrix" consists of 30 driving range drills designed for improvement of distance control, technique, precision, dispersion and scoring skills.
Use the power of skills periodization to practice the right drills at the right time, and control your golf shape (green curvy line).
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Drilly, and his 15 siblings are drills.golf patrons. They represent 16 human personalities and protect and preserve peace in the digital golf world.
Endorse them and never lose head.
Story Plot. As golfers struggle, The Struggle Storm grows stronger. Join Drilly, Thinky, Feely and other human-personality creatures, as they create drills that help golfers overcome their struggles, beat The Struggle Storm once and for all, and restore balance to the digital golf world!
Read the full story here (30 min read): Drilly's Chronicles: The Battle of The Struggle Storm.